Children’s Music Lessons for all ages and abilities

Ages: 4 years plus
When: Monday – Friday 2pm – 8pm, Saturday 10am – 4pm

Private instrumental lessons are provided in Piano, Violin, Cello, Guitar, Singing & Flute. All lessons are provided by highly qualified and experienced teachers. All teachers at the school share the same ethos that the child’s enjoyment is key. Performance activity within the school is strongly encouraged and supported by regular student concerts. Assessment and feedback on student progress is achieved through results from external examination bodies. Teachers at the school enter pupils for Trinity Guildhall, Royal Irish Academy of Music and Associated Board of the Royal School of Music examinations. All parents are kept up to date at all times of the child’s progress and are welcome in the lessons at all times.

All lessons are 1:1 lessons either 30 minutes or 45 minutes in length. One off trial lessons are also available so they can give instruments a try and meet the teachers.

Piano Lesson